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Apartment Loan Application

Contact Information (Section I)

Enter your name.
Provide a valid email address.
Enter your contact number.

Property Information (Section II)

Property Name
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No

Send us an old appraisal if you have one. If you don’t have an old appraisal provide the following information

Please describe the breakdown of units with each unit type, how many of each type and square footage of each type:

13. Number of parking spaces:
14. What is the site size?

15. E-Mail us photos of the property (5 minimum to info@quicklinkcapital.com)

16. What percentage of the units are leased to:

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Refinance - If applicable, if not skip (Section III)

Yes No

Purchase - If applicable, if not skip (Section IV)

Email a copy of purchase agreement.

Yes No
(the drop dead date!)

Borrower Information (Section V)

Yes No

Yes No

Management Information (Section VI)

Requested Loan Information (Section VII)

6. Concerning the terms of your loan, priortize the following in order of importance to you:

Please enter the string shown in the image below.